This is my very own blog to record and share my experiences of the world of geocaching. On I go by the name BomberJjr. I have been enjoying this sport for now more than two years and have visited many cache sites. As I continue to geocache, I have only become more addicted and can see only an increase in my personal activity.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Something To Be Thankful For in Rhode Island

It turns out that the weather ended up being great this Black Friday for a geocaching trip to Rhode Island with BomberJohn, despite the early week forcasts. We ended up visiting a total of 13 cache sites, 2 of which I had already found, 2 of which ended up being DNFs and 9 which were loggable caches for myself.

We began in Millville, MA with the multi-cache, Millville Lock and Triad Bridge (GCH4AR). Along the way to the final cache location we spotted two deer and dozens of deer tracks. After finding the cache we headed south over the Rhode Island border to the quick micro called We'll Never Forget 9/11 #15 (GCY9T8) at a great memorial site for Amy Jarret, the local and flight attendant of UA flight 175, which was taken hostage and crashed on September 11th, 2001.

With a few minutes to check out the park dedicated to this local girl, we moved on to In Honor of Nerves III (GCZBN7), Where It All Began... (GCNWVK), and The Mustang Cache (GC6C48), which were all pretty standard caches and quick finds, although The Mustang Cache was a bit of a trek along a huge tangle of trails. We then started to go East and found a spot for a lunch break. When done, it was off to the two caches I had already found, which were easy micros along the way to my next find, Keychain cache on Herring hill (GCZ8W2), and without road maps for RI on BomberJohn's GPSr, we ended up searching for a parking spot for much longer than we probably needed to. We actually ended up finding what my have been an even quicker way to the waypoint and found three benchmarks near the cache, one of which was loggable.

After these few caches, it was time to head into the city of Woonsockett for a few finds. C.S.P. Cache (GCXQH9) was a supposedly quick find that, due to leaves and just the right container, was a bit more tricker than it should have been. WWII Memorial Pico (GCQJYD), which was an excellent way of making a creative and quick pico find, was a fun cache in a state park dedicated to WWII veterans. After these two, there was the DNF at River Island Park Cache (GCY5K9), due to a couple of muggles that just weren't going away.

As we began to head back North, we stopped at STOP&CACHE (GCWQ2A), a favorite of all cachers, a Lampost Cache and at Heritage Tree #1 - Blackstone (GCNJC0) for a DNF, despite what we thought was an giveaway hint.

Overall, BomberJohn had a really nice day of a handful of caches, which was good as we both needed to work off the turkey from the previous day. In upcoming news, both BomberJohn and I plan to get out to Doc's Bar and Grille next Wednesday for SNEG's first monthly SNEGeocachers Meet and Eat event/meeting (GCZ98M). Will make sure to add more on our night out with all of our cachemates next week.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Month of More Cachin'

Despite the fact that I haven't been blogging for the past month doesn't necessarily mean I have given up on geocaching all together. In fact I've been quite involved in the sport for a senior in high school that has two jobs. A good handful of caches have been created in the area in the past month and most of my recent finds have been these. I also attended the SNEG Fall Back GEO-meet 2006 (GCYTZM) with my dad, BomberJohn on October 29th.

On Halloween night, Snidy and I decided to go to Six Flags for the last day of the season. We left school early a ended up with plenty of time to search for Hike or Bike along the CT River (GCNC5N) and Ma Veterans Memorial Cemetery (GCW343). Hike and Bike was actually a micro we had attempted this past spring, but because of time limits, were forced to leave. This time we found it, and realized the genius of the container. Ma Veterans was a two stage multi that began in a veterans' cemetery. hile doing the math for the final, the sun began to set and taps was played in the distance.

This past week, I was able to create a new Earthcache in Purgatory Chasm, as groundspeak began to re-allow them on I simply named it Purgatory Chasm (GCZEYV), after the park it was placed. Nomad 64 today became the FTF cacher of this. Also, today The Jackal and I went out for a a cache hunt in Grafton to find the newly placed Wolf Den.

Though we weren't sure before, because of threats of rain, BomberJohn and I plan to make a geocaching day out of Black Friday. My guess is that we will both need the exercise anyway, after all the food we'll be eatting on Thursday. I'll be sure to keep my blog more up to date in the future and share the adventures that BomberJohn and I find on Friday.