This is my very own blog to record and share my experiences of the world of geocaching. On I go by the name BomberJjr. I have been enjoying this sport for now more than two years and have visited many cache sites. As I continue to geocache, I have only become more addicted and can see only an increase in my personal activity.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Weekday Caching: Burrillville

Yesterday, after a long of school, Snidy and I decided to do a few caches in Rhode Island that were recently posted. In a bit of free time I found at school, I printed out the cache pages for ole fishing HOLE (GCYFD7) and Burrillville Waterfall (GCYQ6K). As the bell rang, we rushed out to my house to get my GPSr and to head over to the town of Burrillville, RI via Rt.96.

Once we reached the center of town, we were a corner away from old fishing HOLE. We found a nice open dirt parking area with no muggles in sight. I spotted the hiding spot after about a minute or two of leisurely searching. The spot was perfect for a cache and the hiding job was very nice, but after so many caches, you tend to get an eye for hiding spots. While signing the log, Snidy and I were startled by a bus crossing the nearby bridge with an external loud speaker. We placed the cache back in its "HOLE" and got in the car for the next cache.

After the micro, we made our way through the many awkwardly placed stop signs and right of ways to Freedom Park (apparently in RI, traffic incoming from other roads have the right of way, while those driving straight must come to a complete stop, lol). This two part multi was placed in a local park with a playground and nice walk around a gorgeous dam waterfall (as common as these are in the Blackstone Valley, I really believe they are all very unique). The first stage was placed on the opposite side of the parking side of the park. This was an easy find for me, though Snidy had trouble seeing it when I asked if he could see it, although he has only seen or even heard of this hiding technique once before. After punching in the cords, we were brought back to the original side and it was Snidy's turn to use his sharp eye, as he was the one to spot the final. To our surprise, there was a Coin Fusion coin left in there by Team Fisur. He had recently seen me track down one of these and now it was his opportunity to snag one for himself. After a few minutes of logging and swag trading we took a few pictures and headed back north of the border.

While on the way home, I decided to stop at an entrance to the Douglas State Forest on Rt 96 that I had been eyeing to place a cache. This turned out to be much harder than I had planned it to be. The trip ended up being an endless search for a hiding spot that was unsuccessful. We looked for about an hour and came up with nothing. All I can image for that trail is a micro, as there really was no good hiding spots for a regular sized cache. Oh well, I'd rather wait for a good spot than to force myself to place a cache because no one has placed one in the area.


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